Do you need reliable craftsmen, contractors or employees?

Are you looking for responsible and qualified employees, contractors, or craftsmen with almost no administrative burden?

Our recruitment agency helps you find contractors and employees according to your job requirements. Our agency owns a large database of applicants for workplaces of all kinds. We provide employees and contractors for short-term projects, part-time work, and full-time work.

Our agency provides employees and contractors both domestically and internationally.

Thanks to several external recruiting systems and our agency’s JobsEurope own recruitment system, we are constantly adding new applicants, all of them covering the area of Central and Eastern Europe.

Top skills offered:

Installation workers



Construction Workers

Maintenance and cleaning technicians


Welders (Co2, TIG)

Handling - Warehouse workers

Building auxiliary work

Other jobs such as production workers, etc.
We can quickly staff your positions with our applicants (within 5 to 14 days).

Our agency policy and warranty

Our contractors and employees are subject to a thorough selection process.

Qualifications and reliability are guaranteed. All in line with legislation and regulation of the Labor Code in the specific country.

Our service is always fast, transparent and professional. We will discuss details with you in a personal meeting and then prepare a proposal and quote.

Price calculation includes wages, health and social insurance, taxes, accommodation, travel.

It will save you time and money when you get reliable staff through our agency instead of repeated finding and hiring of new employees.
We are looking forward to finding the perfect employee or contractor for you!

For workers and craftsmen

Contact Us

6 + 8 =

Jobs Europe, s.r.o., Kopanina 10/464, 155 00 Praha 5 – Stodůlky

Phone / FAX: +420 257 215 990

Jan Holan

Managing director

Phone: +420 777 879 287
Speaks languages: EN,CZ,PL,SK

Vaclav Nagl

Manager sales representative

Phone: +420 605 940 688
Phone België: +32 494 46 14 61
Speaks languages: NL,DE,EN,CZ,PL,SK

Tomas Hruda

Manager sales representative

Phone: +420 602 654 121
Speaks languages: DE,EN,CZ,PL,SK